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Board Certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist

Clinic Director/Owner

Dr. Jennifer Oh, DACM, L.Ac.


A graduate of Columbia University and Duke University, Dr. Jennifer Oh received her Doctorate in Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM) from the renowned Pacific College of Health & Science. Dr. Oh is nationally board certified through NCCAOM and is licensed to practice in New York, with over a decade of clinical experience. She is an experienced researcher and collaborative author of several published cancer research studies, having worked at Duke University Medical Center and National Institute for Environmental Health Sciences (National Institute of Health). 

Her extensive post-graduate training includes specialization in allergies, fertility, pain, breast health, mental health, weight loss, metabolic syndrome (pre-diabetes and associated conditions such as hypertension, obesity, and diabetes), and eastern nutrition. Dr. Oh is a certified instructor of The Dragon's Way Qigong®, a wellness program created and taught by her spiritual teacher, Dr. Nan Lu, OMD, founder of Traditional Chinese Medicine World Foundation, the country's foremost TCM educational nonprofit. Under Grand Master Lu's guidance, Dr. Oh is certified to perform Qigong Meridian Therapy as well as to demonstrate the Wu Ming Qigong Breast Health Program. She is also a dedicated and accomplished martial artist (black belt and gold medalist in Tae Kwon Do, Wu Ming Taoist Qigong). 


"Studying cancer research and pre-medicine at Duke University opened my eyes early on to the importance of preventative medicine and self-care. I was drawn to Traditional Chinese Medicine because of its tradition of preventative care. Educating patients on how to attain wellness, happiness and fulfillment is the most deeply rewarding aspect of being a practitioner." 

"As a dedicated student of a traditional Taoist lineage, I believe self-cultivation is my true foundation in life. I regularly attend weekly Qigong classes, spiritual retreats and professional trainings on TCM with Grand Master Lu to further my own spiritual development and self-healing. I also teach wellness classes in Manhattan and volunteer regularly for TCM World Foundation."

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Board Certified Acupuncturist and Chinese Herbalist

Staff Acupuncturist

Kim Schwartz-Finkelstein, MSTOM, L.Ac.


Kim Schwartz-Finkelstein, MSTOM, L.Ac is a dedicated and caring practitioner with 19+ years of experience in the medical field. Kim graduated with honors from Pacific College of Health and Science and holds a Masters of Science degree in Traditional Oriental Medicine. As a Licensed Acupuncturist in New York State, she is board-certified in Chinese Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture by the National Certification Commission For Acupuncture And Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) and maintains Diplomate status with NCCAOM.

Kim is licensed to practice all modalities of Acupuncture, including Needle Insertion and Manipulation, Cupping, Gua Sha, Moxabustion, Manual Manipulation Therapy (Tui Na), and Eastern Nutrition, Chinese Medicine-based nutritional advice. She has continued to broaden her understanding of Chinese Medicine by pursuing further study with numerous additional Master Class post-graduate certifications. Kim believes that integrating traditional Chinese Medicine with modern research and health care provides the best approach to maintaining health.


Using the diagnostic principles and treatment techniques of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Myofascial Release therapy, and Chinese, Japanese, and Korean style acupuncture, Kim has treated a wide range of health problems while promoting the natural healing processes of the body. She has many years of experience focusing on holistic care for women’s issues from PMS and fertility to menopause, as well as treatment of pain management and neuropathy, stress management, digestive issues, and insomnia. She has worked with countless women, pediatric patients, oncology patients, migraine and allergy sufferers, and older clientele, creating compassionate, individualized care with a goal of empowering and educating her patients to further their own health journeys wherever possible. 


Licensed Massage Therapist and Ortho-Biotomist

Andrew Smith, LMT


Andrew Smith is a licensed Massage Therapist based in New York City. He expanded his intuitive practice with formal training from the famed Swedish Institute of Health Science in 2010. Andrew continues to cultivate his practice while merging Eastern and Western approaches to healing the physical and spiritual body. His extended discipline combines ongoing teachings in ortho-bionomy, meditation, martial arts as well as the energetic art of Wu Ming Qigong. Ortho-bionomy is known as the homeopathy of body work; this is a gentle interaction with the client, stimulating proprioceptive (self-correcting) reflexes in the body’s nervous system, reminding the body how to find comfort, structural balance and heal from pain. 

Andrew prides himself on creating a safe, nurturing space in which his clients can not only remedy bodily ailments but also cultivate inner peace. Coupled with his extensive training, Andrew is a healing practitioner of honorable mention with a deeply intuitive touch. Read more about Andrew at his website here.


We believe in compassionate, dedicated care that looks at all aspects of your health, mind-body-spirit. We approach health and wellness from the standpoint that every person is a unique being with a limitless self-healing capacity, fully supported by a deep connection to nature and the unconditional love of the Universe. Your happiness and fulfillment as a spiritual and a physical being is key to your existence -- all disease is but your body's way of reminding you of this fundamental truth. Symptoms, then eventually more serious conditions, appear as signals from your body only to encourage you to live the life you're meant to lead, to remind you that life is about the freedom to enjoy and love yourself, no matter what path you take. Well-being is your natural state; can you allow it in?


We play but a small part in your healing transformation. Our role is to give you a good energy tune-up, show you some effective, practical tools to take care of yourself on a daily basis, and educate you on holistic ways to think about diet, exercise, and the connection between emotional and physical well-being. We advise you on how to best re-balance your body and lifestyle to address symptoms so that you feel better in mind, body, and spirit; we do so mainly by encouraging you to remember the healing power of being true to yourself and your unique promise you came to this earth to fulfill. 


However, these are but the first few steps towards true health. The real healing journey begins when you realize that every challenge that life presents is actually an opportunity for growth and change, a chance to find your unique Tao, your own sacred path for yourself, empowered by the knowledge that you truly create your own reality. Total health comes when you fully embrace your unique creativity, who you are and are meant to be, in this life, this particular time and space.

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